Thursday, August 29, 2013

Land of the Free?

Yesterday, while talking to a friend of mine, I found out that he could not put his domestic partner on his insurance.  What, whaaaat? 

I thought to myself...nah...that can't be right.  I'll just do some research and fix this for him.  So, I started reading.  I read through our employee handbook.  I read the confusing and vague 'laws' that I found (Yes...'on the internet'). 

I just sat there staring at my husband.  This just can't be right.  These are human beings we're talking about.  And they can't get health insurance together...because...?  Someone is morally outraged?  Why?

I don't get it, 'Murica.  Logically it does not make sense for domestic partners not be insurable under the same policy.  This is not about morals...this is not about religion.  This about basic rights as a human.  I feel like insurance companies and employers are telling homosexuals to go to the 'back of the bus'...

Are we really the land of the free?  I don't know anymore...