Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Getting off the political merry-go-round

Is election season over yet?  

Politics have once again taken over every outlet in the United States.  Ugly political signs litter American yards.  TV ads shout at us to not vote for so-and-so because they are evil and bankrupted our cities and schools.  Blah, blah, blaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh.  Same shit, same candidates, same rhetoric...different year.

Instead of the political parties working together to change America for the better - they are dividing this country even more with their radical idealogies.  I blame social media and all news sources for this ever-growing divide amongst people.  Instead of our minds evolving and growing we are retreating to our neanderthal caves and becoming more and more extremist in our views.

With each passing birthday I feel less and less connected to politics in this country.  I grow more and more cynical and less enthusiastic about the outcome of each election.  Rather than join in a lively debate, I make a hasty retreat to my own cave or I go for a run.  

Where are the normal people at?  The ones who do not think that President Obama is Satan, but rather just an ineffective president?  The ones who don't immediately think that we should be preparing for the implosion of our country because ONE PERSON has Ebola?  Jesus H. Christ, people.  For fuck's sake.  Calm your ever-loving tits!

I am grateful and proud to be an American.  I love guns and think that any responsible and trained person who wants to own a gun should own them.  I eschew religion and I don't care who marries who.  I wouldn't get an abortion but I do not think it is my right to decide for other women what they do with their uterus.  I do not like our current president but I do not think he is Hitler, Stalin or Satan.  I believe in fiscal responsibility and lower taxes.  I do not think that the rich are evil nor do I think that they ruined this country.  I believe in capitalism and do not think that money is evil.  I am broke but I do not blame anyone but myself.  I believe in social welfare programs for those that need it.  I believe in better border security but I do not believe that amnesty is the answer.  I do not believe that the ACA was the right decision for this country and eventually I believe it will crumble like a house of cards.  I don't think the ACA decision was evil...I just think that government bureaucrats are the wrong people to meddle in the insurance risk management world.  Our military is one of the greatest organizations on this earth and I will forever thank our soldiers for their service to this great country.  Their lives are a thing of sacrifice, duty and honor.  I wish our country had mandatory service laws.  There is nothing that infuriates me more than hearing someone, American or otherwise, debase our soldiers or military.  A big middle finger to those people.  Seriously...fuck you.

Based on the limited things I wrote above I would challenge anyone to slap a label on my beliefs.  You can't.  I don't fit into a mold...and I think this is true of a lot of Americans.  It isn't that simple anymore.  I do not identify 100% with any of our current political parties - including the independent party.  

I can't wait for the election season to be over so we can all come out of our caves and look around at each other again.  Until then...I'll be on a run.
