Thursday, January 23, 2014

2014's random thoughts

Less than a month ago I moved back to Kansas from Northern Florida.  That's a long story and I'll tell it some other time. 

I applied to over 100 jobs when I got back to Kansas and received two job offers.  One was at a collections agency for payday loans.  The potential for commissions was great...but I couldn't risk the instability.  I accepted the second job after some wonderful people at my previous position gave me rave reviews.  I owe them many thanks and I am indebted to them for getting me in the door. 

Over the course of about three months I put back on roughly 30 pounds.  I restarted my weight loss journey, officially, on January 6th and I'm back down under 200 lbs again.  I was pretty bummed with myself about the weight gain...but it was a really stressful I'm giving myself a 'break' and I'm just moving forward.

The kids are happy (and fatter...) to be back in Kansas.  They love living with grandma.   Six people living in a tiny farmhouse built in the 20's with only one bathroom is not exactly my dream come true but I am very grateful for the help and support of my family.  

I definitely  miss the weather in Florida.  Today the temp was around 2 degrees this morning with a windchill of negative 12.  Dammit, man.  I miss being able to throw caution to the wind and drive to the beach for the day.  And I miss the friends that I made in FL.  A lot.  (Club chiks, anyone?)

Oh...almost forgot.  I turned thirty in September 2013.  It's surreal.  I don't feel old but every once in a while I remember that I'm not 18 anymore (thank God) and it hits me like a ton of bricks...Holy shit, I'm THIRTY.  THIRTYTHIRTYTHIRTY.  FML!!!  I keep thinking to myself:  There's so much that you haven't done yet!!!!!!!!  AND YOU'RE THIRTY EFFING YEARS OLD.  I know it's kind of silly...but it's just a weird feeling to suddenly realize you're 30...thiirrrrrttttyyyyyy.  Also, apparently when you turn thirty you no longer give a shit what's on TV, who's the hottest celebrity or what anyone thinks of you.  It's kind of liberating.  

Anyways...kind of boring post but I don't have much to say right now without going into specifics about why I packed up and moved back to KS so quickly.  Still sorting through those emotions right more on that later...maybe.

Peace, love and chicken grease.  Hope everyone has a great 2014!


As they say in Romanian:

Nu clipi. Dacă faci clipi vei fi brusc de treizeci de ani.  

(Don't blink.  If you do blink you'll suddenly be thirty years old.)